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About me

This site is dedicated to the beloved neighborhood, to its founding generation - the refugees, the local Jews and Arabs. This site is devoted to the ethical idea that received and shaped form, here too, in Hadar Hacarmel. This is a song of praise for what was and forgotten, this is a song of hope for what will be and remembered.

 I, Roy Zvulun, an architect, or trying to be one, was born in this country without memory. I came to the Hadar Hacarmel neighborhood by chance, and from that moment its documentation and collection became a central part of my life and the visions that are embodied in the old pictures chase me. Personally, the act of documentation is my way of learning about the environment and the buildings, to revive those fallen architects, to chat with them about their ways of action and to make accessible to you the hidden treasure in this specific place.

 Words of apology - no one appointed me to the role of documenter and digital guardian of the neighborhood, there are certainly more suitable than me, and I may be missing a point, flattening an idea and disconnecting something from the whole. I would love to hear from you feedback, suggestions, correction of a mistake in its place and sharing of a story or picture related to Hadar Hacarmel.


Project's knowledge base

About me

This site is dedicated to the cherished neighborhood and to its founding generation – the refugees, the local Jews, and the Arabs. Here, in Hadar Hacarmel, we celebrate the ethical idea that took shape in this place. This is a song of praise for what once was and is now forgotten, and a song of hope for what will be and remembered.
I am Roy Zvulun, an architect, or aspiring to be one, born in a country that often forgets. My arrival in the Hadar Hacarmel neighborhood was a chance encounter, yet from that moment, documenting and collecting its history became a central part of my life. The visions embodied in old photographs haunt me. Personally, this act of documentation is my way of learning about the environment and its buildings, reviving the memory of those forgotten architects, conversing with them in spirit about their work, and making accessible to you the hidden treasures of this unique place.
Words of apology – no one appointed me as the documenter and digital preservation architect of the neighborhood. There are certainly others more suited to this task, and I may miss a point, flatten an idea, or disconnect something from the whole. I welcome your feedback, suggestions, corrections, and any stories or pictures you wish to share about Hadar Hacarmel

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